A Billowy

Flock of Dust

Not much is known about the “Wisporie flyro” as its scientific sightings are exceedingly rare. Throughout our extensive research, we could scarcely find notations of it. Only the oral tradition of a long-gone town in the highest of mountains leads to some insight. The ruins of said town above the clouds possessed various worshiping stories of the “Wisporie flyro” or, as the villagers called it, angel flock. These stories were found in wall mosaics and paintings throughout the house remainders and significantly condensed in the highest-standing palace of the community: a rather oddly constructed droplet-shaped utterly white building placed on the highest hill of the lofty borough. The murals found depicted the “Wisporie flyro” as a creature floating amonng the whitest and fluffiest of clouds. It appears that the angel flock nests in this category of cloud. The “Wisporie flyro” itself is a relatively tiny being with long angular legs which hold its curved body. The corpus, completely covered in lustrous bulky scales,holds smaller feelers. These feelers help it navigate through its home cloud as they sense the humidity of the air around.
The angel flock uses its long lanky legs to jump from cloud pocket to cloud pocket. While jumping, tickling the cloud, animating it to cry out joyous rain. These droplets are what the “Wisporie flyro” uses to spin its nest. Carefully collecting the clouds´tears on the tips of its feelers, the little angel flock begins fusing them with its blood by running them over its body, turning the joyous droplets into cloud crystals. 
They are precisely stacked in a manner mimicking stalactites by the creature´s legs in a mesmerizing dance that can take up to 3 days. Leading to a thinning and shrinking of the weight and stature of the angel flock.
 Once the nesting process is complete, the “Wisporie flyro” places its haggard body in the nest and waits upon the decease of its home cloud, eagerly awaiting the first tears of decay to build its offspring. In the process, dissolving itself completely. In the vapory remains of the home cloud, the newborn “Wisporie flyro” is released on a journey to find a new habitat cloud. 

A quiet Globule of Air


The Bean size Beam of Light